FATHER’S DAY – Top 10 Horror and Genre Films of 2012

Posted by:  – http://www.followingyourfears.com/2013/01/03/top-horrorgenre-films-of-2012

1. Father’s Day


2012 will go down as the year I discovered Astron-6. Quite simply they are the most talented group of misfits to come from the great white north in well… ever. I have been a fan of Troma Studios for longer than I can remember. To say that their output is a mixed bag is really kind of putting it lightly. For every Toxic Avenger there is an equal and opposite Tales From the Crapper. That said, I tried to keep my hopes in check when I first saw the trailer for the Troma funded, Astron-6 written/directed/acted/pretty much every damn thing Father’s Day. All that went out the window when I finally got to view the film for the first time. Father’s Day exceeded every expectation I had, made new expectations, then crushed those as well. Everything that I ever loved about Troma when I first set my eyes on one of their twisted pieces of celluloid was back in spades. The passion that the guys from Astron-6 have for fringe cinema of all types literally bleeds of the screen during the hilarious and yet gore-filled Father’s Day. Astron-6 has reaffirmed why I became so enamored in this genre oh so many years ago. For that they get the crowing achievement, Following Your Fears best film of 2012.


Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father’s Day Killer.”